👤 How to create a user (Administrator users only)

In this article you will learn how to create new users, only if you have Administrator permissions.

From Fidelity, you must click on the user icon and go to User Management:



Here you must click on the + Create user button located in the upper right corner of the screen:



The system will ask you to add the email of the new user, if this email already has a user created in the same property, Fidelity will notify you:



It will also inform you if this user is created in another property, asking if you want to give this user access to your hotel as well:



If the user is not already created in Fidelity, it will allow you to continue with its creation.

You will need to complete the user information:



Then you must give access to the property, you can click on the box + Add Property, where your hotel will appear, in case you are the Administrator of a chain, you can give access to the entire chain or choose the hotels.


Then you can choose if you want this new user to have access to all the modules of the hotel, otherwise, you can choose the modules and sections that the new user will be able to view:



At the end of the creation process, the system will share the new user's password with you and you can also send a welcome email or request to create a new password when logging in for the first time: