📑 What is a partial survey?

In this article you will learn more about partial surveys and how they work.

Onsite and Follow Up surveys have questions that are mandatory and others that are optional.

When a guest opens a survey, they usually answer the survey and click on the "Send survey" button, after a few minutes the hotel receives the new survey answered alert email and it is possible to view the survey in Fidelity.

On some occasions, guests open the survey, answer the mandatory questions, but do not continue answering or submitting the survey, in these cases a "Partial Survey" is created. 

A few minutes after the mandatory questions are answered, the survey answered alert is sent to the hotel and the survey appears in Fidelity, in the alert email the hotel is warned that the survey could change answers:



From the moment the alert is generated, the guest has 48 hours to enter the survey again, change the answers or finish answering the pending questions, after these 48 hours, the survey is blocked and does not allow any more changes.

It may also happen that in a partial survey, the next time the guest enters, finishes answering and clicks on the "Send Survey" button, in that case, the survey is also blocked and does not allow new accesses or changes.

The rules for partial surveys are general for all our customers and cannot be customized.