What is the area ranking and how is it calculated?

In this manual you will learn more about the ranking by areas of the Onsite and FollowUp surveys, as well as how it is calculated.

What is the Area Ranking?


The Area Ranking is one of the most important indicators when using Onsite and/or FollowUp surveys.

This ranking has a list of non-customizable areas, the same for all our clients. These areas are tags that are assigned to the questions in the satisfaction surveys, so that each response received will feed each area of the ranking.

In Onsite and FollowUp, the ranking by areas can be consulted from the “Summary” section, where the information for the period will be shown.



The columns of the ranking are as follows:

  • Rating: It is the weighted average for the period consulted.
  • Fidelity Average: It is the weighted average of all our clients for the same period.
  • Difference (%): It is the difference between the Rating and Fidelity Average columns.
  • Top 10% Fidelity: In this column you can consult the average for each area of our clients with the best performance in the period.


How is the average per Area calculated?


To calculate each area and the average ranking, a weighted average must be taken, which gives a weight to each item to be calculated depending on the number of responses received.

In the following table, you will find an example of a weighted average calculation for each area and the total.



In the table the first column corresponds to a given area, the second column is the average delivered by Fidelity, the third column corresponds to the number of responses received for each area, then comes the column where the calculation is shown and finally the column of the approximate.

When performing the calculation, the “QUANTITY OF RESPONSES” column and the “APPROXIMATE” column should be added together.

Finally, the approximate total should be divided by the total number of responses:



Finally the total should be approximated: